Workshop Schedule 12th Dec. 2008

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Morning Session (7:30am--10:30am)

7:30am--7:35am Opening Remarks (Organizers)
7:35am--8:25am Invited talk 1, Optimization in Machine Learning: Recent Developments and Current Challenges.    Stephen Wright, University of Wisconsin Madison
8:25am--8:35am Coffee Break
8:35am--9:35am Paper presentations
  1. 8:35--8:55   Online and Batch Learning Using Forward-Looking Subgradients. John Duchi, UC Berkeley
  2. 8:55--9:15  Robustness and Regularization of Support Vector Machines. Huan Xu, McGill
  3. 9:15--9:35  Training a Binary Classifier with the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm. Hartmut Neven, Google
9:35am--9:40am Mini-Break
9:40am--10:30am Invited talk 2, Polyhedral Approximations in Convex Optimization. (PDF)    Dimitri Bertsekas, MIT

Break (10:30am--3:30pm)

Afternoon Session (3:30am--6:30pm)

3:30pm--4:20pm Invited talk 3, Large-scale Machine Learning and Stochastic Algorithms.    Léon Bottou, NEC Laboratories America
4:20pm--5:00pm Paper presentations--II
  1. 4:20--4:40  An Improved Branch-and-Bound Method for Maximum Monomial Agreement. Noam Goldberg, RUTCOR, Rutgers University
4:40pm--4:50am Coffee Break
4:50pm--5:30pm Paper presentations--II (cont'd)
  1. 4:50--5:10  Tuning Optimizers for Time-Constrained Problems using Reinforcement Learning. Paul Ruvolo, UCSD
  2. 5:10--5:30  Online Optimization in X-Armed Bandits. Sebastien Bubeck, INRIA Lille
5:30pm--6:10pm Panel Discussion
6:10pm--Dinner Poster presentations and discussion
  1. Algorithms for Gaussian Bandwidth Selection in Kernel Density Estimators. Jose Miguel Leiva Murillo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  2. Fast Inference in Sparse Coding Algorithms with Applications to Object Recognition. Koray Kavukcuoglu, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
  3. Simple algorithms to solve sparsity based regularization via Fenchel duality. S. Mosci, Universita di Genova
  4. Sparse learning with duality gap guarantee. Ryota Tomioka, Tokyo Institute of Technology